Only Fifteen More Pregnant Goats

March 22, 2010

We’ve been running around like crazy, but this season’s birthing has gone well and there’s plenty of spring milk!


Maggie, our Red No. 13, and her ten-minute-old baby

Maggie was born the year Ryan joined the farm. Ryan was showing a party of schoolchildren into the barn just after her birth. One particular child wanted to know what we would call the kid. We don’t name all the goats, but Ryan has a lot of flair with ladies, so he naturally named the goat after the child. So, Maggie, if you’re reading this, your namesake is well and has just given birth to her first baby of 2010, a little girl. Maggie the goat and several other mothers follow Ryan, or bleat for his attention, just before giving birth. They want his company as they go into labor. Popular with all the ladies!


BabyGoatLand. Starter Shacks for the Discerning Baby





All the baby girls are housed in the starter shacks of BabyGoatLand, each group according to size and personality. There’ll probably be sixteen or so groups by the end of April. We’ve had amazing help from friends, and we’re making the spring cheeses of 2010, so do come and visit soon.