Mary Collins

October 18, 2010

These are the concrete pots of artist, sculptor and photographer Mary Collins

Photo from Mary Collins



We aim to feed you literally and figuratively. We grow and cook for you, but hope to feed your soul as well, with the practical and original talents of our community. The baroque folk artist Three- Fingered Bil made our barn furniture and iconic goatherd girls; sculptor and jeweler Dan Geraci made our pewter goblets, magnificent spoons and pizza oven. The artist Mary Collins is making five curved concrete pots for the farm garden.

I met Mary several years ago when her friend’s child needed fresh goat milk. She casts her curved shapes from fibreglass molds, and adds layers of pigment mixed with concrete. Her pots have the strong and surprising pleasure of a hot pink wall in Mexico, a jolt of color applied to an everyday surface. They are extraordinary on their own, perfect planted with succulents. I can’t wait for ours!



Mary ships her work all over the United States. These blue and thistle-colored pots are for a private garden in Malibu
