Potty details

April 28, 2011

Enjoy our freshly-plumbed running rainwater sink next to the farm porta-potties!


Life gets ever more comfortable. We expect public lavatories everywhere we go. At the farm, we installed an incineration toilet for staff and visitors, but users fluffed the unfamiliar sequence of events once too often, and the toilet broke down. Since the county permit process for building a flush toilet here in Pescadero is too long and expensive to contemplate, we now have two porta-potties behind the loafing barn. Last week, we added a rainwater sink next to the porta-potties, so that you may wash your hands immediately.


Our farm does not have flushing china fixtures, but we do have several hundred healthy animals, international award-winning cheese, a farm shop, hugely popular farm dinnersĀ  - and dedicated, talented and highly sanitary staff